Thursday, August 21, 2014


Dhanyatman Sri Jagadeesh Maligi, General secretary  of Karnataka Uttar Prant,
        Subject -- Personality Development Camp
         Ref:-    Holding of 10-day Personality Development Residential camp Camp by   Dharwad  Shakha under the Dynamic Leadership of  your good self  in April 2010  for 70 boys and girls between the age of 10 to 16 years—news published in the June 2010 issue of  Niti, official  monthly magazine of Bharat Vikas Parishad.

           I, a humble member of a great N.G.O like our B.V.Parishad, for the last 15 years,   have been a strong advocate of conducting such camps especially for boys and girls in the formative period of their lives. So my happiness knew no bounds when I read the above news referred to. May God bless you and all members of the organizing committee for conducting such a camp. May this be repeated in other regions and at national level too for the creation of true Bharatheeyans. MY HIGH CONGRATUALTIONS TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE IN GENERAL AND YOUR GOOD SELF IN PARTICULAR

           May I offer a few following suggestions in my capacity as a former National level Trainer of a famous and prestigious National Training Centre at  New-Delhi for whatever it is worth.

  1. A good training course ( this can be called ‘Training for Development’ too) requires four ingredients  viz I, A trained trainer trained in training methods taught  at the Indian Institute of Secretariat  Training and Management ,  ii. Trainees with an aptitude for  acquisition of knowledge not taught in schools and universities ( This is what is exactly done/ or should be done  by Non-governemntal organizations like our B.V.P.)
iii. A good training environment
iv The contents to be imparted  should include the great topic of Bharatheeya wisdom  mainly consisting of the Three subjects of 1. The importance of training contained in the formula K.S.A.xAxA 2.Values for Excellence in Performance  and 3 Concept of Personality Development – Unique contributions of Bharatheeya Wisdom  to this concept  with versions from Western Wisdom 
       For the contents the following 4 books are considered suitable by legal luminaries, Vedic scholars and  Devaswom officials and trainers.
 I joined Bharath Vikas Parishad  after my retirement in 1989 to gain some knowledge about these topics and collected during the last 15 years  enough material for writing 7 books of which  four books emerged as most sought after ones, by the grace of The Chaitanyam
 They are 1. Eternal Values for Human Excellence. 2. Concept of Personality Development – Unique contributions of Bharatheeya wisdom  to this concept with versions from western wisdom . 3  Book On  Adi Parasakthi  4  Value of Absence of Egoism—Ego the Friend and  ego the foe, problems and solutions.

Many Persons including former and sitting judges, Vedic Scholars, Professors and experienced senior officials have highly commented upon these books and commended it to all concerned. (Gist of  some of the comments can be sent on requisition /are enclosed for your information.)
            Some of you may wonder as to why a person who has written about the Value of Absence of Egoism is writing about his own books  Please remember that even Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has said that a little ego is justified if that is meant for the good of humanity. Yes I joined BVP to study what I have not been taught in schools and colleges and I thought it my duty to bring these books to your notice for the benefit of humanity. At this age and stage in life ( At 79) I have no other axe to grind except the burning desire to transmit the knowledge gathered during almost two decades of my retired life. Gnana Danam, I am told is the greatest gift one can give to humanity. I feel blessed by Adiparasakthi at my patience with which I wrote almost 7 books for the benefit of others . A sense of fulfilment pervades my mind.
       It is good to quote examples from Ramayana and Mahabharatha ; but a personality development course will be imcomplete without defining the concept of personality envisaged in India Ethos and western Ethos . Yes only Indian ethos deals with the Three bodies, four layers and five sheats that constitute the real personality More over to develop the personality  Eighteen steps that will help develop personality also must be taught

 I am always prepared tp help and clarify any point at all times amd climes  provided that Mahadevi  gives me the health needed to stand the stresses and strains of life . A Trivandrum group who saw my books said that the books are self explanatory and very useful for their classes on personality development.

Thanking you in anticipation of persusing this lettet and assuring you of my help to the extent possible I remain yours and in the Lord.

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