Monday, January 24, 2011



It is felt that such condensed versions will meet the need of the times characterized by “Sick hurry of present civilization”
     The title is true in letter and in spirit. The title of the section indicates one of the purposes of this book.
1.       The term Devi comes from Sanskrit root “Due” meaning self-effulgent. It also means one who helps us to see the manifested universe. (for more on it please see under the heading Devi in Section V.)
2        Mahadevi means Devi’s body comprising all Brahmandams.
Devi Puraanam states “Dhatur Maheti poojaayaam Mahadevi thatha smrithe
She cannot be measured with words mind and intelligence. By all means she deserves to be worshipped. Mahadevi is the wife of Mahadevan and Maha means Great, Big etc.
Lakhsmi means Devi with Eiswaryam.  Some of the Mantras including the following and those given elsewhere in this book tellingly illustrate the Devi’s glory and greatness.
Ohm Maha Deviyai namah:
Ohm Maheswariyai namah:
Ohm Mahalaxmiyai namah:
Ohm Eieswariyai namah:
Ohm Bhagavathiyai namah
298th Mantra of Lalithasahasranamam “Ohm Narayaniye namah:” declares Laxmi is the female form of Narayana - yes Lord Vishnu’s better half. It is also significant to remember that Devi appears in different forms depending upon the needs and conditions
Naram” also means “Naran” meaning water. And Narayana is one who lives in water. ‘Naram’ also means Atmajnanam. So one who is established in Atmajnanam is Narayanan.

The following verses from Jagad Guru Sree Sankaracharya’s Kanakadhara Stothram and Devi Mahima (Dasakam 1) of Devi Narayaneeyam written by the Vedic Scholar Brahmasree Paleli Narayanan Namboothiripad, which is considered a condensed version of Devi Mahabhagavatham, give important inklings of the Mahatmyam of Devi. His “Devi Narayaneeyam” contains 480 verses spread over 41 Dasakams.
“Geerdevathethi garudadwaja sundareethi
Sakambareethi sasi sekhara vallabhethi


This Devi- inspired book mainly deals with the Mahadevi in brief- that Great Chaithanyam which makes us move, see, think, speak, and act, that Supreme  Mother who is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara and all Gods; that Mahadevi, who is an Eternal,  indestructible and invisible force which can creat preserve  as well as destroy. It is that Atman, which Lord Krishna declares in Sreemath Bhagavath Geetha (Chapter 2 verses 23 and 24) cannot be cut or cleaved by weapons; fire cannot burn It, water cannot wet It, wind cannot dry It. It is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, stable and immovable. As Sree Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said “Pleasure and pain, virtue and vice or dual states such as these do not have sway on It. They affect the person identified with the body. Smoke tarnishes the walls, but not the space within them”.  It is beyond description and definition. Words stand still before Its might and majesty.
The main title of the book clearly deals with the nature of the topic on which the book is written. But as days rolled by the following alternate titles - and not subtitles - emerged in the mind of the author in the order in which the same are given viz, Greatness and Glory of Shri Attukaal Devi/Attukaal Amma/ Attukaal Bhagavathy. Attukaal Bhagavatheeyam can be the alternate Titlle.

 The first section of this Devi graced book opens with theoretical Mahathmyam of Mahadevi and concludes with Section 9 containing practical instances proving the Mahatmyam of Mahadevi.
Sage Vyasa has written, inter alia, two great Bhagavatha Puranas viz Vishnu Bhagavatham and Devi Bhagavatham. This book deals with Attukaal Devi at Attukaal where Devi has manifested Herself as a 12 year old charming ‘Thejaswaroopini’ ( the very embodiment of Thejus) 
Sreemath Devi Bhagavatham has described in detail about the Adi Parasakthi (Jagadambika) in her “Pradurbhavam” and her role as the Creator, Protector/ Preserver of the good and Dharma and the destroyer of the wicked and Adharma.  This purana contains 18 thousand slokas spread over 12 Skandams spread over 318 chapters. Devi herself has stated the gist of Sreemath Devi Bhagavatham in the following declaration.
“Sarvam Khalidamevaham, Nanya Dasthi Sanaathanam”
(I am everything; there is nothing other than Me. Noonam Sanaathanam).
Reason for condensed version:-
In Kaliyuga the people have neither the time nor the patience to peruse the entire 18000 slokas (Verses) of Sreemad Bhagavatham. That may be one of the reasons why Lord has prompted Sree Melpathur Narayana Bhattathirippadu, the Vedic Scholar, about 400 years ago, to write his famous “Sreemanarayaneeyam” containing 1036 verses spread over 100 dasakams containing Mahatmyam of Sri Guruvayoorappan (Lord Narayana) for the cure of his own disease and the disease of the world (for Rogasanthi of person and Thapasanthi of the world).
Similarly to give devotees a smaller version of  Sree Mahadevi Bhagavatham, considered the word form of Jagadambika in a condensed form for  Bhakthas of the world, Brahmasree Prof. Paleli Narayanan Namboothiri, the famous Vedic Scholar Par excellence, and above all a true “Bhagavathan” who took premature retirement from Union Christian College Alwaye, to devote his life to the spreading of the story of Devi and Narayanan and other aspects of the Bharatheeya wisdom,  wrote “Devi Narayaneeyam” with only 41 Dasakams and 480 verses. The full version of Srimad Devi Bhagavatham contains 18,000 verses spread over 318 chapters. (I have considered him  a Guru This scholarly loving and lovable person with great  humility and humanity does not pretend to be a Guru of mine on the plea that  ‘”you have developed an insight of your own” However he used to explain the meanings of the  Sanskrit terms whenever I sought the same from him . And it is his explanation of the term “Namasthe” that lighted a spark in me – a spark of curiosity to know more about the glorious Bharatheeya wisdom. And after seeing  my 6th book on the “Concept  of Personality development – unique contributions of Bharatheeya wisdom  to this concept  with versions from western wisdom “ he shuffled off this mortal coil. ( Before his demise  he blessed me and told me that “we had some relations in the previous birth”. After seeing my performance and hearing my talks and views he used to tell that  “the spark in you has  become  a big flame now” This last book he wanted to read for himself as it appears to have created a great interest in him)  May his soul rest in peace.. 
Here in this book Shri B. Balakrihna Pillai, the author,  has developed a new divine desire to condense still further the Mahatmyam of Sree Mahadevi, along with the glorious story of Shri Attukaal Mahadevi, Adi parasakhthi, ‘Swayambhoo’ at the holy place of Attukal, now sitting in the proximity of other important Deities like Lord Siva, Ganapathy,  Nagar, Kiratha moorthy ( Madan Thamburaan)protecting the good and Dharma and destroying the wicked and adharma.




     Swayambhoo Bhagavathy, a combination of the aspects of Sri Parvathy ( Kali, Durga ) Mahalakhsmi and Saraswathy etc located at a Divine place in the city but away from the dust and bustle of city-life.. Kaliyugavaradaayini , the loving , compassionate Supermother sitting at Attukaal where She preferred to cool Her legs in Killiyaar by swinging Her legs in the Killiyaar.and gave the name of Attukaal to the place
     Great charm and magnificence of the aesthetics of this temple architecture which is a happy and harmonious blend of the Tamil Nadu Style ( from where Devi came) and style of Kerala ( where She preferred to settle). The two great aspects of Brahman are meaningfully and effectively depicted here as Shiva, the consciousness aspect and Shakthi the creative aspect – a shining example proving the Manthra of “Shiva Shakthiaikya Rupiniaai Namah”.Depiction of Mahabali- A wrong interpretation like fall to Pataalam rectified quoting the authority of Sreemad Bhagavatham.

     An explanation regarding Devi’ and  the concept of “Vetaalam”.

     The married life of Kannaki, considered an Avataar of Parvathy, gives a new definition to the concept of a “Pathivritha”.



INTRODUCTION  Divine Inspiration and  Divine guidance. This book opens with the Theoretical (Vedic) mahathmyam of the Mahadevi in a highly condensed form  and ends with a Section containing Practical instances of the Mahathmyam of the Mahadevi, to convince all the twelve types  of persons.
Attukaal  Devi’s assurance  dispels the last shreds of diffidence in the author to accomplish the Himalayan  task of writing about  Himavan’s daughter.‘Nimithamathram bhava Savyasachin’. Hope this book will give ‘Vivek santhi’ as well as proper ‘Vikar santhi’ to all concerned especially to the devotees and the faithful. A mention of the date-war developments given in the last section indicate the Divine role in the production of this book. Need for the existence of temples in general and privatey controlled temples in particular which can play the role of N.G.Os like Bharat Vikas Parishad. Chinmaya Mission, Ramakrishna Mission , and Asrams like  those of Matha Amrithanandamayi, Bodhananda swami, Swami Bhoomananda  Theertha, Sri Uditchaitanya Sri Sri Ravishanker and other experts in Bharatheeya wisdom in a secular country like India. Pages  from      to        . 

             III. FOREWORD BY Justice K.Padmanabhan Nair, a great devotee of Mahadevi , former Judge of the High Court of Kerala,   and presently the Judicial Member of the Armed Forces Tribunal.   
     IV  MESSAGES OF  BLESSINGS 1. From the Top Three Office –bearers of the Trust, safeguarding the interests of the Devi and the Temple.


          SECTION  1  Mahatmyam of the Mahadevi in brief.  The Alternate Title. Suggestion regarding “Ekaslokalalitha sahasranamam” Pages         to

          SECTION  2.  Bird’s eye-view of the Mahatmyam and the very origin of Kerala and its Temples. Age of Kerala

         SECTION  3.  Divine location.Origin and Development of the Great Attukaal Devi Temple. The Swayambhoo Kannaki, who manifested as Parvthy Devi in  Attukaal, is said to have destroyed Adharmis in Madurai in Tamilnaadu during the Second Century A.D Attukaal Bhagavathy – the Kaliyuga Varadadayini  Concern of Lord Shiva and Sri Parvathy,about the troubles  undesirable  conditions  in kaliyuga.  The Temple and idols/
                             (  Picture of Attukaal Bhagavathy  alone on the Temple as in the case of  Chottanikkara devi ( half-size not to show  Vethaal in the finest attractive colour. )

     “This Third Devi- inspired  book is a Telling example of the Play and  Manifestation of the Maha Chaithanyam that the Mahadevi is “ (From the Foreword)                                                

                                                     Written and Pubished by
                                                 B.Balakrishna Pillai B.Sc., L.L.B.
                                                      As ordained by Devi    


Dhanyatman Sri Jagadeesh Maligi, General secretary  of Karnataka Uttar Prant,
        Subject -- Personality Development Camp
         Ref:-    Holding of 10-day Personality Development Residential camp Camp by   Dharwad  Shakha under the Dynamic Leadership of  your good self  in April 2010  for 70 boys and girls between the age of 10 to 16 years—news published in the June 2010 issue of  Niti, official  monthly magazine of Bharat Vikas Parishad.

           I, a humble member of a great N.G.O like our B.V.Parishad, for the last 15 years,   have been a strong advocate of conducting such camps especially for boys and girls in the formative period of their lives. So my happiness knew no bounds when I read the above news referred to. May God bless you and all members of the organizing committee for conducting such a camp. May this be repeated in other regions and at national level too for the creation of true Bharatheeyans. MY HIGH CONGRATUALTIONS TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE IN GENERAL AND YOUR GOOD SELF IN PARTICULAR

           May I offer a few following suggestions in my capacity as a former National level Trainer of a famous and prestigious National Training Centre at  New-Delhi for whatever it is worth.

  1. A good training course ( this can be called ‘Training for Development’ too) requires four ingredients  viz I, A trained trainer trained in training methods taught  at the Indian Institute of Secretariat  Training and Management ,  ii. Trainees with an aptitude for  acquisition of knowledge not taught in schools and universities ( This is what is exactly done/ or should be done  by Non-governemntal organizations like our B.V.P.)
iii. A good training environment
iv The contents to be imparted  should include the great topic of Bharatheeya wisdom  mainly consisting of the Three subjects of 1. The importance of training contained in the formula K.S.A.xAxA 2.Values for Excellence in Performance  and 3 Concept of Personality Development – Unique contributions of Bharatheeya Wisdom  to this concept  with versions from Western Wisdom 
       For the contents the following 4 books are considered suitable by legal luminaries, Vedic scholars and  Devaswom officials and trainers.
 I joined Bharath Vikas Parishad  after my retirement in 1989 to gain some knowledge about these topics and collected during the last 15 years  enough material for writing 7 books of which  four books emerged as most sought after ones, by the grace of The Chaitanyam
 They are 1. Eternal Values for Human Excellence. 2. Concept of Personality Development – Unique contributions of Bharatheeya wisdom  to this concept with versions from western wisdom . 3  Book On  Adi Parasakthi  4  Value of Absence of Egoism—Ego the Friend and  ego the foe, problems and solutions.

Many Persons including former and sitting judges, Vedic Scholars, Professors and experienced senior officials have highly commented upon these books and commended it to all concerned. (Gist of  some of the comments can be sent on requisition /are enclosed for your information.)
            Some of you may wonder as to why a person who has written about the Value of Absence of Egoism is writing about his own books  Please remember that even Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has said that a little ego is justified if that is meant for the good of humanity. Yes I joined BVP to study what I have not been taught in schools and colleges and I thought it my duty to bring these books to your notice for the benefit of humanity. At this age and stage in life ( At 79) I have no other axe to grind except the burning desire to transmit the knowledge gathered during almost two decades of my retired life. Gnana Danam, I am told is the greatest gift one can give to humanity. I feel blessed by Adiparasakthi at my patience with which I wrote almost 7 books for the benefit of others . A sense of fulfilment pervades my mind.
       It is good to quote examples from Ramayana and Mahabharatha ; but a personality development course will be imcomplete without defining the concept of personality envisaged in India Ethos and western Ethos . Yes only Indian ethos deals with the Three bodies, four layers and five sheats that constitute the real personality More over to develop the personality  Eighteen steps that will help develop personality also must be taught

 I am always prepared tp help and clarify any point at all times amd climes  provided that Mahadevi  gives me the health needed to stand the stresses and strains of life . A Trivandrum group who saw my books said that the books are self explanatory and very useful for their classes on personality development.

Thanking you in anticipation of persusing this lettet and assuring you of my help to the extent possible I remain yours and in the Lord.

Dhanyatman Sri Jagadeesh Maligi, General secretary  of Karnataka Uttar Prant,
        Subject -- Personality Development Camp
         Ref:-    Holding of 10-day Personality Development Residential camp Camp by   Dharwad  Shakha under the Dynamic Leadership of  your good self  in April 2010  for 70 boys and girls between the age of 10 to 16 years—news published in the June 2010 issue of  Niti, official  monthly magazine of Bharat Vikas Parishad.

           I, a humble member of a great N.G.O like our B.V.Parishad, for the last 15 years,   have been a strong advocate of conducting such camps especially for boys and girls in the formative period of their lives. So my happiness knew no bounds when I read the above news referred to. May God bless you and all members of the organizing committee for conducting such a camp. May this be repeated in other regions and at national level too for the creation of true Bharatheeyans. MY HIGH CONGRATUALTIONS TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE IN GENERAL AND YOUR GOOD SELF IN PARTICULAR

           May I offer a few following suggestions in my capacity as a former National level Trainer of a famous and prestigious National Training Centre at  New-Delhi for whatever it is worth.

  1. A good training course ( this can be called ‘Training for Development’ too) requires four ingredients  viz I, A trained trainer trained in training methods taught  at the Indian Institute of Secretariat  Training and Management ,  ii. Trainees with an aptitude for  acquisition of knowledge not taught in schools and universities ( This is what is exactly done/ or should be done  by Non-governemntal organizations like our B.V.P.)
iii. A good training environment
iv The contents to be imparted  should include the great topic of Bharatheeya wisdom  mainly consisting of the Three subjects of 1. The importance of training contained in the formula K.S.A.xAxA 2.Values for Excellence in Performance  and 3 Concept of Personality Development – Unique contributions of Bharatheeya Wisdom  to this concept  with versions from Western Wisdom 
       For the contents the following 4 books are considered suitable by legal luminaries, Vedic scholars and  Devaswom officials and trainers.
 I joined Bharath Vikas Parishad  after my retirement in 1989 to gain some knowledge about these topics and collected during the last 15 years  enough material for writing 7 books of which  four books emerged as most sought after ones, by the grace of The Chaitanyam
 They are 1. Eternal Values for Human Excellence. 2. Concept of Personality Development – Unique contributions of Bharatheeya wisdom  to this concept with versions from western wisdom . 3  Book On  Adi Parasakthi  4  Value of Absence of Egoism—Ego the Friend and  ego the foe, problems and solutions.

Many Persons including former and sitting judges, Vedic Scholars, Professors and experienced senior officials have highly commented upon these books and commended it to all concerned. (Gist of  some of the comments can be sent on requisition /are enclosed for your information.)
            Some of you may wonder as to why a person who has written about the Value of Absence of Egoism is writing about his own books  Please remember that even Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has said that a little ego is justified if that is meant for the good of humanity. Yes I joined BVP to study what I have not been taught in schools and colleges and I thought it my duty to bring these books to your notice for the benefit of humanity. At this age and stage in life ( At 79) I have no other axe to grind except the burning desire to transmit the knowledge gathered during almost two decades of my retired life. Gnana Danam, I am told is the greatest gift one can give to humanity. I feel blessed by Adiparasakthi at my patience with which I wrote almost 7 books for the benefit of others . A sense of fulfilment pervades my mind.
       It is good to quote examples from Ramayana and Mahabharatha ; but a personality development course will be imcomplete without defining the concept of personality envisaged in India Ethos and western Ethos . Yes only Indian ethos deals with the Three bodies, four layers and five sheats that constitute the real personality More over to develop the personality  Eighteen steps that will help develop personality also must be taught

 I am always prepared tp help and clarify any point at all times amd climes  provided that Mahadevi  gives me the health needed to stand the stresses and strains of life . A Trivandrum group who saw my books said that the books are self explanatory and very useful for their classes on personality development.

Thanking you in anticipation of persusing this lettet and assuring you of my help to the extent possible I remain yours and in the Lord.


Given below please see some factors’ /views that support the above view.

  1. Temples and pilgrim places combined with Trusts  Asrams and Non-Governmental organizations  like Bharat Vikas Parishad etc Satsangs and Sathrams must become schools and universities from where man can learn about things not taught about the highly essential Man making  wisdom needed for inner personality development , some lessons of knowledge about self, mind and mind control very much necessary to lead a happy life.
  2.  Bharatheeya Wisdom consists of a Man-making Value system and Concept of Personality Development. They are needed to eliminate the ill-effects of modern education and .Even famous western scientists like Dr Capro Einstein and historians assert that unless modern science studies more about the concept of consciousness and Bharatheeya value system science cannot make much progress.
  3.  A forthcoming Devi-inspired 4th book contains a Divine message to the effect that “Temples should become and remain as the seats of culture , spirituality and school of learning and teaching about the Glorious Man-making Value system and Concept of Personality Development”.  If not the catastrophic conditions envisaged  by  Swami Vivekananda “in which the ruling deities will be lust and luxury as male and female deities , with fraud , force and competition as its ceremonies  will be created and possibility of a nuclear annihilation envisaged by renowned  historian Arnold Toynbee, will become a certainty.
      4 These bookstalls in temples and educational institutions must contain the highly acclaimed   Three Devi- inspired books titled 1. Eternal Values for Human Excellence , 2.Concept of Personality Development and 3. Greatness and Glory of Sri Chottaniikara Devi and the Temple, the first book on The Adi Paraasakthi,  all available in Chottanikkara Devaswom book stall and Guruvayoor Devaswom Book stall. If not available please contact or write to the Author whose address is given above  

The first two books together constitute  a “Single window solution to almost all the problems in the world and to almost all the maladies of the mind of man” declared  Justice Sri Padmanabhan Nair and Sri Komalan  the Then Special commissioner of Cochin Devaswom Board.     
The staff in the bookstall should be briefed on the importance and uses of the books. They must develop the capacity to explain the same in brief.



1.Importance of Bhakthi in kaliyuga  

      2.Eternal values of Human Excellence(Indian value System)  

3 American value system 

4. The value of abscence of egoism 

5 greatness and glory of Sree chottanikkara Devi

6 Concept of personality development

7.  Greatness and glory of  Sri Attukal Bhagavathy
(Attukal Bagavatheeyam)


 I wish to express my grateful thanks to all concerned especially  Puzhakkara  Chennas Brahmasree  Dinesan Namboothiripad, Thanthri of the Temple, Sri P.V. Kesavan Namboothiri, Sahamelsanthi, now acting as Melsanthi   Sarvasree R.Ravindran Nair, R.Gopinathgan Nair, K.P.Ramachandra Nair and all other office-bearers and members of the Trust  and officials of temple administration whom I had the fortune to meet during the two stints of my stay in the enchanting chaitanyam –filled atmosphere of the temple  for lending their full-hearted support for accomplishing this Himalayan task of writing about the Himavaan’s daughter and Her Temple.

          Forewords to all the Six books written by me , by the grace of the Chaitanyam, were written by the late Brahmasree ( Professor )Paleli Narayanan Namboothiri pad , a great Vedic scholar and author of several well-acclaimed books like Vedakiranangal, Hraswa Bhagavatham, Bhagavatha Chinthakal, Devi Narayaneeyam ,  4-volume commentary on Ekadesa skandam and several other articles. My meditational reflexion made me select a real devotee of the Devi to write the forward. And I thank Justice Sri K.Padmanabhan Nair for agreeing to write a Foreword for this Devi-inspired Book from the depths of my heart.

     Permit me to express my love and thanks to Geetha Balakrishnan and her son Raghunath my from Dubai and Canada respectively, Lekha Raghunath,my daughter-in-law and her son Govind, from U.S.A.,  and Mrs Asha Sree kumar, a cousin of ours staying near by  ( incidentally majority  of them are the female forms of Brahman) and the presence of the first four persons here was the result of a strange coincidence of incidents) for assisting me in taking computer print outs of the draft of this book  
      May Attukaalamma’s blessings be with all of them.

                                           B.Balakrishna Pillai, B.Sc. L.L.B
                                           Skyline City Park, 6-D Oakwood Apartments
                                           Kadavanthra, P.O.
                                           Jawaharnagar  Kochi  Pin 682020.   
                                                 Phone  0484 2204 222.

                                                 Mobile No  9497023201


                             (  Picture of Attukaal Bhagavathy  alone on the Temple as in the case of  Chottanikkara devi ( half-size not to show  Vethaal in the finest attractive colour. )

     “This Third Devi- inspired  book is a Telling example of the Play and  Manifestation of the Maha Chaithanyam that the Mahadevi is “ (From the Foreword)                                                 

                                                     Written and Pubished by
                                                 B.Balakrishna Pillai B.Sc., L.L.B.
                                                      As ordained by Devi    

     II. INTRODUCTION  Divine Inspiration and  Divine guidance. This book opens with the Theoretical (Vedic) mahathmyam of the Mahadevi in a highly condensed form  and ends with a Section containing Practical instances of the Mahathmyam of the Mahadevi, to convince all the twelve types  of persons.
Attukaal  Devi’s assurance  dispels the last shreds of diffidence in the author to accomplish the Himalayan  task of writing about  Himavan’s daughter.‘Nimithamathram bhava Savyasachin’. Hope this book will give ‘Vivek santhi’ as well as proper ‘Vikar santhi’ to all concerned especially to the devotees and the faithful. A mention of the date-war developments given in the last section indicate the Divine role in the production of this book. Need for the existence of temples in general and privatey controlled temples in particular which can play the role of N.G.Os like Bharat Vikas Parishad. Chinmaya Mission, Ramakrishna Mission , and Asrams like  those of Matha Amrithanandamayi, Bodhananda swami, Swami Bhoomananda  Theertha, Sri Uditchaitanya Sri Sri Ravishanker and other experts in Bharatheeya wisdom in a secular country like India. Pages  from      to        . 

             III. FOREWORD BY Justice K.Padmanabhan Nair, a great devotee of Mahadevi , former Judge of the High Court of Kerala,   and presently the Judicial Member of the Armed Forces Tribunal.   
     IV  MESSAGES OF  BLESSINGS 1. From the Top Three Office –bearers of the Trust, safeguarding the interests of the Devi and the Temple.


          SECTION  1  Mahatmyam of the Mahadevi in brief.  The Alternate Title. Suggestion regarding “Ekaslokalalitha sahasranamam” Pages         to

          SECTION  2.  Bird’s eye-view of the Mahatmyam and the very origin of Kerala and its Temples. Age of Kerala

         SECTION  3.  Divine location.Origin and Development of the Great Attukaal Devi Temple. The Swayambhoo Kannaki, who manifested as Parvthy Devi in  Attukaal, is said to have destroyed Adharmis in Madurai in Tamilnaadu during the Second Century A.D Attukaal Bhagavathy – the Kaliyuga Varadadayini  Concern of Lord Shiva and Sri Parvathy,about the troubles  undesirable  conditions  in kaliyuga.  The Temple and idols/images. [U1] The reason  for Kannaki’s birth

Ohm Sri Mahaganapathaye namah. Om Attukaal Mahadevyai namah.
Ohm Sree Sivasakthyaikya Roopinyai namah Ohm Sri Lalithambikaye namah
                               Ohm Sri Durgaayai namah 

                                “Durgaam Deveem Saranamaham Prapadye”
                                      (Devi Dwadasakhshari Mahamantra)
 “Srishtau yaa sargarupaa jagadavanavidhau Palinee ya cha raudree
Samhare chapi yasyaa jagadidamakhilam Kreedanam ya parakhya
Pasyanthee madhyamaatho tadanu bhagavathee Vaikharee varnarupaa
Saasmad vaacham prasannaa vidhi hari girisaa
             Raadhithaalam karothu.”
         (Devi Bhagavatha Mahatmyam)
(May Devi the Parasakhthi, worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara, who creates (projects) the universe, maintains it and dissolves the same respectively,  May that Devi who plays the three games of creation, maintenance and dissolution of the universe  bless and grace my words- (yes-grace this humble attempt of mine as Her  instrument  to write about her grace, greatness, compassion love and leelas with her characteristic kindness, compassion  and love in a gracious way)

           “Sarva chaitanya rupaam taamaadyaam vidyaam cha dheemahi
                    Buddhim yaa  na: prachodayaat” (Devi Gayathri)


                     AT THE HOLY FEET OF SUPER MOTHER
                             PRANAAMS FROM THE AUTHOR