Thursday, December 2, 2010

more on desire to propagate Bharatiya wisdom....

During 2010, I found more personalities supporting the case of Bharatheeya wisdom incuding its values.

  1. Justice. Sri K.P.Radhakrishna Menon, former ombudsman, addressing a meeting of Bharat Vikas Parishad at BTH, Ernakulam said that judgements should be based on Dharma and Values. He regretted that the same are not taught in training courses.
  2. People's council for Social Justice endorsed the plea of this writer for the inclusion of Bharatheeya Wisdom as a topic in their training courses (vide the appeal of Justice K. John Mathew, former judge of high court of Kerala and the present president of PCSJ at its AGM held on 9th October, 2010.
  3. Justice Kemal Pasha agreed with the view of this writer that perpetration of cruelties by children against their aged parents was due to their lack of knowledge of Bharatheeya Value system (remarks made at a meeting held in observance of the Elder's days at Ernakulam karayogam 2010).
  4. A unique independence day pledge moved by this writer as the chief speaker on the occasion of the independence day celebration in support of learning and teaching Bharateeya wisdom by including children, parents and teachers was unanimously endorsed by all the residents of the Skyline City Park, Kadavanthara, Cochin
  5. The latest book in English written for the entire world, titled the greatness and glory of Sri Attukal Bhagavathy by this writer also contains divine support for the case of Bharateeya wisdom.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Dear friends,
Thisis the late press release reagrding presentation and release of Sree Chottanikkara Devi Inspired and blessed book on the ``Concept of Personality Development''


''Telling examples of the play and manifestations of the Chaitanyam anf Mahadevi'' is (from the messages of the blessings received --Page 36&37Of the book on the ``concept of personality development '')

Release of a  Sri Chottanikkara Mahadevi -inspired second book on amodern topic like personality development (Vyakthi vikas) after presentation of the same to Devi constitutes a special feature at the function  to be held to inaugrate the Navarathri festival at 4 PM on september 19th 2009  as the book is hailed as the ``telling example''of the play and manifestation of the Chaithanyam that Mahadevi is ''
The draft of this second book inspired by  Sri Chottanikkara Devi (Lakshmi narayana Moorthy) ,a telling  proof of the mahatmayam of Sri Chottanikkara Devi and Sree Guruvayoorappan sitting on the same pedestal in the sanctum sanctorum at Chottanikkara ,was presented to the Deity on the auspicious dat of Makam star(Makam Thozhal day)March 9th 2009 as devinely desired.
The title of the second Devi inspired boo on the ``the Concept of Personality development'' Unique contribution of Bharatheeyam Wisdom and this concept  with versions of western wisdom is a self explanatory one ,providing the great modern relevance of ancient Bharatheeyam wisdom.
It is note worthy  that the draft of the First dvi Prompted book on ``greatness of the Glory of Sri Chottanikkara Devi and the temple '' was presented to the Devi pn Makam thozhal Day ..on February 21 2008 as devinely desired and the fair copy released after an unprecedented ``Pusthakarchana''  on Devi with 101 copies of the book 30/09/2008 .the first day of the Navarathri..
Both these books hve already been praised as ``telling examples of the play and the manifestations of the Chaithanya mahadevi is ''by devotees like Sarvashree Justice K.Padmanabhan  Nair,Sri S.komalan,spl commissioner ,Cochin Devasom Board.

While the first book on ``The greatness and the Glory of Sree Chottanikkara Devi and Temple ''has been praised  as a lucid and inimitable one that impresses one as a magnificently condensed work on the mahatmayam of the Mahadevi ,the super Mother of Mothers,with motherly love ,compassion and kindness for all,''This second book on the ``Concept of Personality Development has been hailed ,``as the most essential one  for the Human resources Development  and in all training  centeres and educational institutions  for use of all in general and children and youth in particular  for the benefit of the and future generations ..A proof positive of her mahatmayam.

It is of great  significance  that the author got recognition  for his contributions to Bharatheeya Wisdom in the form of books like Eternal values of Humman Excellence  etc soon after the publication of ``greatness of Glory of Sree Chottanikkara Devi and the temple''.That contain  inter alia ,both the theoritical and the practical Mahatmayam of the Mahadevi,Ekasloka lalitha Sahashramamam and other special features ..The All india parivar Samskara Shibir of Bharath Vikas Parisha held at no less a place than Swami vivekananda Kendra at kanyakumari honoured him with Ponnada  on the republic day january 26th 2009,and the centuary old famous  sri Ramavarma Club did the same on february 7th 209.
(For more clarifications ,please do contact Sri Blakrishna Pillai ,author  of both thee books phone --04842204222,kochi


A Bharath matha inspired unique independence Day message given in the form of a pledge by Sri Balakrishna pillai 9receipient of Police Medal on an independence day ,Chairman of Proudh Samskar Shibir,Bharath Vikas parishad,kerala state ,A founding father and eldest member of Elder`s forum and a past president of the Skyline City park owner`s Association Cochin-20.
                                                               THE PLEDGE
``In the name of God,variously known as Brahman in hinduism,Jehova in Christianity,Allah in Islam etc,and in the name of thousands of Martyrs who laid down their lives for the freedom of Bharath ,our Mother country ,we hereby pledge to make sincere efforts to learn ourselves and teach others the unique happiness and peace giving glorious Bharatheeya Culture rooted in the Bharatheeya Wisdom ,capable of strengthening our Mother country Bharath and Bharatheeyans in general and our children in particular .this is a culture ,praised ,pursued and practiced by the scholars of Bharath and of the world for many reasons including  the following .....

1)Its capacity  to convert even a desert like mind in to a fine garden of fragrant  flowers.

2)It contains thoughts ,ideas,seventy``man making values''an extraordinary explanation of term``I and an equalled Bharatheeya Concept of personality Development ,all of which have stood the test of times and reasons ;from the beginning of the world....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my desire to propagate Bharatheya wisom

I am Balakrishna Pillai,I was a senior class one officer with M.H.A Govt Of India..Now I lead a happy retired life with my wife ,at kochi.
                Imperative need for intoduction of Bharatheeya Wisdom in all training Centeres and Educational institution to ensure integrated development of personality and emergence of best persons in all fields of life.
Experience gaind through working as senor most trainer in a prestegious national training institution and from trainings undergone in IIPA New Delhi.and from Institure of secretarial training and management combined with interactions with intelligent trainees and the probationary officers of the state bank of India made me do some post retirement  research regarding  subjects needed for developing persons .This convinced me for the need for imparting Bharatheeya Wisdom to trainers and trainees..

This led to my writing six books during retirement  days ..this includes two highly acclaimed books.I was honoured twice with PONNADA at the vivekananda center ,Cape Comorin By the national conference of All India Parivar Samskar..Of Bharath Vikas parikshath as well as by the Rama varma club at Cochin For my post retirement contribution to Bharatheeya Wisdom.
Bharatheeya Dharmic and Cultural Values(Indian Value System)

1.This emerged as the third edition under the caption,``The Eternal Values Of Human Excellence '. This contains interalia concepts like Dharma ,Culture and value system etc...consisting of 70 man -making values and 30 uses of the values.
Swami Vivekananda has declared that Man making is Nation building ..All men can be made only with the help of value system and knowledge regarding personality.
2. Naturally second book is titled,``Concept of personality development'.
Unique contribution of Bharatheeya wisdom to this concept with versions from western wisdom (Importance of Indian ethos with personality development
Many a learned persons after reading the two books agreed that These two books together constitute a single window solution for almost all the problems of the world,persons and nations and remedy for maladies of man ,provided they are understood ,pursued and practiced.
I found in subsequent years ,especially in September 2009 that I am not alone in my view .No less a person than Sri O.P Bhatt,the present chairman of SBI,in his perceptive messages,published in a house magazine in SBI Kerala It has the fearlessness(the first lesson according to Bhagavath Geetha),to state that this wisdom is available in abundance but it is scattered here and there  and it is up to us to conciously use this wisdom for our collective good.It gives inner fulfillment to employees and the community around us by going beyond institutions and personal success.He has visualized the making of a Citizen with the help of this wisdom.
Yes Bharatheeya wisdom will defenitely help in  bringing about revolutionary transformations of man ..
For locating these two books and for any exposition or clarifications  regarding the same ,please do contact the author of these books  at the address given below
Skyline city park,6D,Oakwood Apartments,Jawahar nagar,kadavanthra,P.O
Kochi-682020,Kerala state ,india
tel:phone ;  04842204222